Make Your Voice Heard to Help End Hunger in the Ranks
The MOAA-backed Basic Needs Allowance is part of this year's NDAA, but it could come in a weaker form. Ask Congress to act.
As MOAA's Director of Government Relations for Military Family and Survivor Policy, Jen Goodale is responsible for ensuring programs and policies designed to support uniformed service families address unique challenges these families face due to service. She manages and develops relationships to advance legislative priorities on the Hill, with DoD, and with other military and veterans service organizations. She also advises MOAA's Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Council.
The MOAA-backed Basic Needs Allowance is part of this year's NDAA, but it could come in a weaker form. Ask Congress to act.
What started with MOAA raising questions about a 2018 analysis has paid off in protecting your earned shopping benefits.
Spouses in licensed professions face additional hurdles during military moves. But help and guidance is available.
The bills address issues concerning leave, parental health, and other retention concerns.
Watch for an invitation to an upcoming DoD survey, and don’t miss your chance to take part.
Want to celebrate on Aug. 14? Here’s how you can take part.